Digital Roadmap Improvement Programme

Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust partnered with Practicus to deliver a robust roadmap and business case to achieve the Digital Capabilities Framework for 2025.


As part of the NHS’s 5-year Digital Transformation Plan, the Trust’s digital readiness had to be levelled up to the Digital Capabilities Framework. With variable staff confidence in the effectiveness of its current systems, its Electronic Patient Record systems (EPRs) needed greater digital maturity as mandated by NHSE, with the necessary funding from NHSE to be secured. In the face of stiff competition for funding, minimal internal funding, limited internal expertise, a tight 2 year deadline to achieve compliance and the potential risk to patient safety and the Trust’s Provider License, ongoing support and leadership was required to achieve its goals.


The Trust’s digital profile has been raised with NHSE who has found that digital maturity has progressed ahead of nationally benchmarked expectations. The creation of the roadmap and business case achieved:


Under the tight timeframe, our team:

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